Art During Covid

"Shivani's Flowers" by Anna Voznyuk
Description: Shivani's girlfriend gifted her a bouquet of red-dyed sunflowers which were kept on the dinner table. I was fantasized by them so much I painted them one evening in a single breath.

“Peregrine Falcon” by Nicolette Hodgson

“Pied-billed Grebe” by Nicolette Hodgson
Description: Author and illustrator Nicolette Hodgson has been getting ready to add one more work to the series of student-published field guides of UCSC’s campus. Engaging descriptions and art of 100+ birds will be featured in The Field Guide to Birds of UC Santa Cruz Coastal Campus and Younger Lagoon Reserve; expected to be published by Summer 2021.

"You Made It!" by Molly Thompson
Description: When feeling particularly stressed or upset, I find it helpful to meditate on images of natural decay. No matter what hardships we face, someday our bodies will return to the earth and give birth to new life. The piece is intended to be positive, as an act of radical acceptance and death positivity.

“Nichvolodovka” by Anna Voznyuk
Description: A painting of Lake Nichvolodovka, Ukraine for my aunt’s birthday. Unfortunately, the war began and it has been five years since I visited that particular spot and needed to use a reference photo.

“HighwayMan’s Bess” by Anna Voznyuk
Description: After listening to the sung version of the poem “The HighwayMan” by Alfred Noyes, an inspired illustration came into my head. For those that know the story, this is my interpretation, how did you imagine the scene?
Artist: Teeny Nadeau
Description: Both of these pieces were made in relation to my beautiful girlfriend. They illustrate the highs and lows of dating someone through covid. The yearning for one another and excitement for the future, mixed with the pain of not being able to see one another. It’s made us stronger, even if it is a mixed bag.

“Dueling Beetles” by Chloe Cooper
Description: After designing a cicada tattoo for a friend, I was inspired to focus on the “creepy crawlies” and represent them in a manner that I found beautiful. This piece was all about practicing technique with color and just having fun with it.

“Oceans” by Kylie Deer
Description: Some old jewelry boxes were upcycled into beach art with this acrylic paint pour project.

Artist: Desiree Zhuk
Description: Ensatina salamander sketches, a paired work between a natural history illustration class and an animal behavior field course.

Artist: Desiree Zhuk
Description: Species interaction highlight, made from photo references.

Artist: Desiree Zhuk
Description: Santa Cruz invertebrate study, made from photo references.

Artist: Desiree Zhuk
Description: California mushroom and lichen studies, made from photo references.

Artist: Desiree Zhuk
Description: Northern elephant seal in for graphic, a paired work between a natural history illustration class and an animal behavior ecology field course.

Artist: Emily Downey
Description: A portrait of my aunt’s sweet dachshund who passed away during quarantine.